“You can always cope with the present moment, but you can’t cope with something that is a mind projection.” ~Eckhart Tolle
This is a reminder that pops up on my phone once every week. It’s one of half a dozen or so quick sentences that I use to remember the most important thing: being right here now.
Along with meditation, intentional presence practice throughout the day is one of the cornerstones I use to live in and as awareness rather than in mind’s thoughts about what’s happening (or might be!) “out there.”
This morning during my morning routine of kid drop off at school another parent said, “now we just have to get through today.” I looked blankly at them, before suddenly realizing,
“Oh! It’s Election Day.”
“Yes, of course,” I replied.
They asked, “Are you one of those people not so connected to the news?”
We laughed as I answered, “I pay just enough attention, and yes, I voted.”
Our conversation quickly turned to other things: the beautiful crisp fall air and the kids’ tantrums.
Today is a day for presence and perspective: Here we are, spinning on a giant rock through space and time, and while it might seem like constantly paying attention to every thought about what might happen is doing something, it is doing nothing.
Today is a day for being disciplined in turning off your phone, TV, radio, when you notice it’s that time. Step outside, feel the air, notice the sky—whether it’s blue, grey, or white. Trust that you’ve done what you need to do and allow yourself to relax.
We have all what we need in the present moment, and at its core, life is mystery, love, and quiet truth.
So, where are you right now? Are you breathing? Do you feel that subtle energy in your body as you take a deep breath? Do you have hands, feet, arms, eyes? Do you feel a subtle tingling sensation running through your body when you slow down and breathe deeply?
When we’re fully here, an upswelling of love, peace, and joy naturally arises that has more power and possibility than we could ever imagine. Today, let’s try to stay in this presence, rooted in enough-ness. Stay here.